GW Necro
The Zone Mortalis is literally "the deadly ground" – short-range gunflights take place as fighters d
GW Necro
House Escher is unique among the great Houses of Necromunda, for its gangs are made up entirely of w
GW Necro
Release Date 8th December 2018 Conquer the underhive with stealth, subterfuge and sabotage wi
GW Necro
The gangers that fight in the name of House Goliath are hulking brutes, each a pillar of muscle and
GW Necro
House Orlock is known as the House of Iron, due to its roots in the ferrous slag pits located across
GW Necro
Release Date 29th August 2020 Ogryns are one of the most commonly seen strains of abhuman thr
GW Necro
House Van Saar is the technological powerhouse of Necromunda, its artisans and armourers creating th
GW Necro
The outcasts gangs of Necromunda are made up of the dregs of underhive society. These individuals ha