GW 40K
Dominus-class Knights are among the largest available to any Knight house. These walking fortresses
GW 40K
Small and agile compared to their lumbering kin, Armiger-class Knights are still war machines of inc
GW 40K
Designed to make it easier to keep track of Tactical Objectives and Stratagems in games of Warhammer
GW 40K
Release Date 22nd September 2018 The Knight Preceptor is a Questoris-class close-ranged power
GW 40K
The Armiger Helverin is a fast-moving weapons platform designed to lay down blistering hails of heav
GW 40K
Datacards make referencing your rules in battle easy. Containing quick-reference Stratagems and Knig
GW 40K
Nimble and responsive, Armiger Warglaives lope towards the enemy with purposeful strides. On one arm
GW 40K
The Imperial Knights march to war with earth-shaking footfalls, towering over mortal soldiers and le
GW 40K
The ground shakes as the Imperial Knights march to war. Guided by a Noble pilot, an Imperial Knight