After Moritaka and Akito collaborate on a manga together, they venture to publishing house Shueisha in hopes of capturing an editor's interest. As much potential as these two rookies have, will their story impress the pros and actually get printed?
After Moritaka and Akito collaborate on a manga together, they venture to publishing house Shueisha in hopes of capturing an editor's interest. As much potential as these two rookies have, will their story impress the pros and actually get printed?
As the veteran manga artists start taking over Weekly Shonen Jump, the younger artists feel the pres
For ten years, two young men have worked as hard as they possibly could to make their manga dreams c
After being told their current series Perfect Crime Party will not be turned into an anime, Moritaka
Big changes are in store now that Moritaka and Akito have their very own series in Shonen Jump. Hang
Moritaka and Akito face the prospect of their series being canceled in Shonen Jump due to dropping p