- The infamous Rogue Trader Erasmus Haarlock is set to return, and only the Inquisition stands in the way of his dark revenge...
Dead Stars is the conclusion to The Haarlock's Legacy Trilogy, a definitive series of epic Dark Heresy adventures that began with Tattered Fates and continued with Damned Cities. Terrible threats stir amongst the worlds visited by the mysterious Rogue Trader line of Haarlock. What has been left behind threatens everything the Inquisition has worked for in the Calixis Sector.Dead Stars takes Acolytes to the forbidden ice world of Mara and the haunted planet of Dusk, where they must make a fateful decision that affects the future of the entire Calixis Sector. Old enemies and allies join the struggle on both sides - will the Acolytes be able to survive the terrible conclusion to the Haarlock's Legacy trilogy?Suitable for players of all levels. A copy of the Dark Heresy Core Rulebook is needed to use this supplement.